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Release 1.0 Notes

3D Sandbox
A downloadable game for Windows

Hey, thanks for playing my incredibly shitty sandbox, you're great and I appreciate you. Please excuse the candid tone, these are mostly notes for myself so I can look back fondly on how much of an idiot I am.


    Audio latency with walkingonground.wav audio sample playing in WalkingSounds.cs script while player is walking : While this is a known bug in specific versions of Unity (mainly URP / Android) I'm on the standard pipeline, this file is not very big at all, and I'm pretty sure it's actually because it's not common to call an audio file longer than a second or two to generate footstep sounds. You can change compression and sample rates but tbh it doesn't really make a difference and tends to mess up the audio overall. Tl;dr I got overzealous and screwed it up.

        TEMP FIX: raising the pitch so that the audio latency is barely noticeable, and then layering in some reverb, and the latency sounds fixed. Works for me.

    Compiler Error for NVWaterShaders.cs at line 63 : OnEnable() NullReferenceException

        FIX: None. I didn't make these shaders, I don't give a good goddamn and it looks fine and works as expected.

    Walkingonground.wav still plays while swimming through water

        FIX: swimmingnoises.wav is at a higher DB than walkingonground.wav so you can't really hear it anyway. Couldn't be bothered to write a check for it but will probably add it later if I feel like it (never).

    Mesh colliders on stone_03_low prefab : This isn't really an issue, but more of a general note that mesh colliders are expensive calculations and are usually used with gameObjects that move or interact with physics in some way (that isn't just a generic collider). However, the scope of this project is very small, so this is a moot point and more of a reminder to myself to configure a more generic collider (such as a box or sphere collider) on the prefab *before* setting it up en masse in a scene, or even configuring a giant collider zone, especially important as projects scale up in complexity.

    Color correction sucks : My bad. I'm still learning visual shit, not my forte. Just pretend it's Unity's fault.


    Add in some gameObjects and trigger events, add UI elements : in the future, I'd like to play around more with scripted events, adding menu and other UI elements, etc. Will add to the build if I get around to it, but more likely I'll just start another project and do it in there.


  • 3D 265 MB
    Oct 19, 2021
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