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Documentation + User Guide

Crazy Food Delivery
A browser game made in HTML5

Detail List of Differences Between the Final Game and the Concept Document Game 

The final game is quite similar to the game in the concept document. The goal of the game is the same, which is to deliver food to customers as soon as possible. The shorter time players use, the higher score players get. The game structure is also the same, which is a multi-level game and game difficulty increase as the game process. The final game also keeps player control as simple as possible and the game difficulty as low as possible because the target audiences are still the same. Young children are one of the target audiences so the game difficulty should definitely not be too hard. The Backstory is also the same but it is not presented in the game. The reason for this is the backstory requires a large paragraph of words, I thought players will just skip this scene instead of reading dozens of non-helpful words so I chose not to show the backstory in the game.

There are some differences between the concept game and the final game.  One difference from the final game is the player could not get extra bonus(time deduction) by rotating the motorbike. The reason for this is I found if the motorbike has been rotated for more than three rounds, the wheel will be separate from the motorbike even the break force of the wheel is set to unlimited. I guess this is due to some limitations of the Unity engine so I used another trick for players to save time: short-cuts. If players could successfully use one of the short-cuts in some levels, they could reach the destination much faster and get a higher score. Another difference is the game background art. In the Concept Document, I said each level should have a different background art, but the final game only has two background art. one is for levels 1-3 and the other one is for levels 4-6. This is because I cannot find suitable environment objects and textures for some background, and due to time limitations I was not able to create those artworks by myself. In order to keep the artwork consist, I deleted some backgrounds (like city, forest, etc.) from the game.

Summary of Feedback

During the testing session, I got a lot of feedback from the tutorial group. Students from the tutorial group said the goal of the game was obvious and the artwork suits the game very well except for the motorbike sprite. They said the motorbike sprite should be replaced with a higher quality one. I strongly agree with them, however, due to time limitations I was not able to draw a texture by myself, this is already the best free and copyright free motorbike sprite I  found that could be used for this game on the Internet. Testers from the tutorial group also said the player movement script should be modified because when they are pressing key W (acceleration key for motorbike) the motorbike would get up-side-down easily. When I was watching the tester's screen, I found only a few people know they should press key D (rotate motorbike CW) when the front wheel goes up. I realized such a big torque for the motorbike may not be suitable so I changed the acceleration of the motorbike to a smaller number to make it more player-friendly. 

Testers from the tutorial group also found some bugs while playing this game. The first bug was some background objects will suddenly disappear when the motorbike approaches in level 5 and level 6. This is because the render order of that object is incorrect so it would be covered by the background art. This was then fixed so background objects were no longer lost when the player moves. The second bug was the player would die when the ground surface hit the motorbike from underneath. This was because the collision detector sprite only checks whether the body of the motorbike collided with the game object that tagged "Ground", it would not check which part of the motorbike it is colliding with. The purpose of this script is to fail the game when the human on the motorbike hit the ground or when the motorbike crash, so hitting from underneath and causing the game to fail is definitely not what we would like to see. This was then fixed by replacing the edge sprite and then let it untagged. The last bug to be fixed was the motorbike sprite. Feedback from the tutorial group consists of the gap between the button of motorbike and ground is too small so the motorbike would be stuck easily when passing barriers. This was then fixed by modifying the motorbike sprite and give it a higher ground clearance. 

Asset List


  • Car Movement
    • Script to control the motorbike
  • Parallax
    • To move the background textures from level 4 to level 6
  • Player Movement
    • Script to control the player when it is walking
  • Scene Switcher
    • To switch scene
  • Body Collide Detector
    • To check whether the human on motorbike collide with ground or whether the motorbike crash, if true then the gamil fails
  • CalScore1
    • Calculate level 1 score that the player gets according to time
  • CalScore1_2
    • Calculate level 2 score that the player gets
  • CalScore1_3
    • Calculate level 3 score that the player gets
  • CalScore2_1
    • Calculate level 4 score that the player gets
  • CalScore2_2
    • Calculate level 5 score that the player gets
  • CalScore2_3
    • Calculate level 6 score that the player gets
  • Collide Detector
    • Check whether the object collides with the destination flag
  • Display Score
    • Show player's score on the screen
  • Fail Controller
    • Show the fail game scene on the screen
  • Level Selector
    • Choose level from the choose level scene
  • Load Level Selector
    • Load the next level while playing
  • Out of Scene Detector
    • Check whether the player is out of the scene, if true then the game fails
  • Quit Game
    • Quit game
  • Restart Game
    • Restart this level
  • Save Scene
    • Save current scene's sequence number
  • Succeed Controller
    • Show the success scene
  • Time Controller
    • Calculate how long the player use to pass this level


Most of the sprites of this game are from the Internet so the following is the reference list of them.

User Guide

Game name

Crazy Food Delivery


In Crazy Food Delivery players should go through all difficulties and try to deliver food to customers as soon as possible. The shorter time the player use, the higher score player will get. The game will fail immediately if the driver gets hurt or the motorbike crash, so remember to drive safely! There are some short-cuts on some levels, you will get a high score if you can find and utilize them.


Player control when walking: A/D to control the player move forward and backward. Space for jumping

Player control when riding the motorcycle: W/S to move forward and backward, A/D for rotation.

Game function

The title scene contains a start game button, which will start the first level of this game. It also contains a choose level button, which allows user to choose a level they would like to play. There is also a quit game button, which will exit the game.

The choose level scene includes all levels in this game, users can choose a level they are interested in and play it. The reason for not following other games to lock levels is I would like everyone can try all levels in this game, but I am afraid some players may not able to pass one level. 

The game scene contains a restart button. Users can restart this level if they get stuck by clicking this button. This scene also contains a timer, which shows how much time already passed since this level start. 

The success scene will appear if players successfully pass a level. It can display how much score players get in the last play. This scene contains three buttons. Players can go to play the next level by clicking the "Next Level" button, or they can click "Select Another Level" to try different levels. They can also quit the game by clicking the "Quit Game" button. 

The fail scene will appear if the player gets hurt or the motorbike crash. It is similar to the success scene because it also contains three buttons. Players can go to play the next level by clicking the "Next Level" button, or they can click "Select Another Level" to try different levels. They can also quit the game by clicking the "Quit Game" button. 

The end game scene will be shown if players successfully pass all levels in this game. Players can choose to back to the menu or quit the game in this scene.


A. Stein, M. Consalvo, K. Mitgutsch. Who are sports gamers? A large scale study of sports video game players. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 2012; DOI: 10.1177/1354856512459840 [Accessed 29 August 2021].

GILLESPIE, C., 2020. Why kids are obsessed with cars, trucks, and other vehicles. [online] Available at:  [Accessed 29 August 2021].

Dani. 2019. Unity Parallax Tutorial - How to infinite scrolling background. [online] Available at: <

> [Accessed 20 September 2021].

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