is community of indie game creators and players


Week 11

Byte Lynx
A downloadable game

Hello Everyone,

A little late on the update this week because we've been taking a small holiday after our last playtesting milestone. The playtesting went extremely well and we are more excited than ever to continue working on the game. Even though it was a short work week, we still made some progress on the game.

 We further developed the surger building and now it deals damage to the enemy buildings that block its path.

We hope this will make the surger useful outside of platform movement as it can be used to take unprotected wires.

From the playtesting we did last week we got a lot of extremely useful feedback to improve the game and look forward to showing players a more polished experience in the next playtests. Thanks go out to all the wonderful players for giving our game a shot!

Hope your day is going well,
Micah Rust

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