is community of indie game creators and players


Day 4

A browser Flashback made in HTML5


Hello! Now for this day, I think I did some major progress though I had some homework. First, I changed the menu, added a super move which I will discuss later on the devlog and added a pretty picture with a new icon! Now I added a super move where if the status of the opponent is "vulnerable", it will do 25 damage. It should encourage using the main mechanic of inspecting. Also, I changed inspect to status since there are some limitations for the new menu. Though it should make choosing a move less tedious and I can also now add more moves though I want to stay minimalistic. That is the 2nd thing I wanted to talk about. I was thinking about subtract by design or something. Now I was thinking, I wanted a narrative but I wasn't to fond of the overworld idea. My idea therefore was that there would be static cutscenes in the middle of the battles to connect them with obviously some dialogue (with the new icon). I am not sure if it's a good choice or not. Please give feedback and comment if you think it's good. 'Til next time. Buh-bye!

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