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arriving at the end of ld49 like a brick at the bottom of a well

Unstabled 2: Horses Vs Pugs
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

This project definitely falls well into mrnotcrazy's "first pancakes" theory: the frying pan is still warming up (if you're an impatient pancake-maker like me), and so those first pancakes are gonna be kinda bad.

Later pancakes will be better, hopefully.

This was our first Ludum Dare, wbarlow and my (psage's) first 3D game, and Luka's (our card artist, whose work ended up horribly underused) first game project. We are unsure how many games Misty has worked on, but the knowing look she gives when we ask her raises some questions.

Lessons learned:

  • We probably should have tried to start from working gameplay, then added features in. The ability to actually do a lot of stuff didn't happen until this morning.
  • Learning to use a new game engine during the jam: entertaining, but not competitive. If anyone sees the code I wrote for this, I'll probably die of embarrassment.
  • The person running Windows probably shouldn't do the macOS export, because we discovered during the upload period that, while it worked just fine inside the engine, it crashed violently unless we had it skip the intro video. So we're uploading that separately. :)

I'm going to go sleep for 15 hours now. Cheers!



  • 89 MB
    Oct 04, 2021
  • 98 MB
    Oct 04, 2021
  • intro_video.mkv 29 MB
    Oct 04, 2021
Download Unstabled 2: Horses Vs Pugs
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