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Post mortem

Dark Dungeon
A browser game made in HTML5

So this was my first project in the A game a week challenge. Over this week, I have learned quite a lot about my capabilities and features of Godot.  

At first I was just playing around in the editor to find ideas. Due to my lack of familiarity, I was blown away when I tested around and just rotated a cube in perspective. I thought this was really cool and would be quite fun in game. So I decided to make a horror game, where you must stop monsters by rotating to the right face of the cube and using the spell of that side. I also thought of making the world pitch black and the only light source is from the cube because that'd be quite cool right?

So in order to do this, I downloaded Blender and started messing around. What do you know? Learning Blender ain't So after two days messing around and only capable of producing a pyramid shape with some basic circle/rectangle shape on them for distinction, I gave up trying to learn Blender properly and finishing a game within a week. 

What now?.......Ok why not 2D then? I would try to learn sprite sheets while I do the game too since I have never learn how to use a spritesheet properly. I decided to use only art from the spritesheet like this video of Miziziziz. This of course brought a new problem to the rotating cube feature, which I changed to the wheel in the current game. But at this point, I found a new challenge. I had no art both for the spell and the torch, so I decided to turn it into a torch and a sword instead......f

Out of this, I am extremely happy with how the spritesheet worked, especially the boss. This may or may not have made me too engrossed in the process of making the player....I spent another 2 days making just the player and tilemap alone. Not a very wise choice of how to use time. In combination with my schedule, this meant that I have literally one day to  make all the enemies, level design, and find sound effects. hehehehehehehehehe...............

This in turns led to the massive drop in quality that is the current game where it looks lackcluster. Even the black background was meant to be blue like the sea in the said video (although now that I think about it, I am not too sure about that decision). Somewhere along this journey, the game somehow turns from a horror to an adventure game. I dont know how it turned out like that, but I'd guess that this is because of my habbits.. God damn my habbits.


- 2D != 3D (unsurprisingly)

- Blender isn't easy

- Watch your scope and time management at all times

- Do take your schedule into account when reviewing your scope

- Spritesheets are fun*

- Finding audio for your game can be either very easy or very very hard, basing on your choice and type of game


  • 55 MB
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