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Sound/Visual effects/UI/Polish

A browser game made in HTML5

Basic interactions:

The controls so far are: 

  • WASD for 8 way movement
  • Left click for sword attack (subject to change) and to interact with buttons
  • Right click for ranged attack
  • Space to pick up items  / buy upgrades

Although this system works I may move the sword attack to space and the item pick up to 'E'. Might also hotkey the inventory button to 'I' if I figure out how.

This game uses the font "Somerset Barnyard Font" by Chequered Ink, found here. I think this font suits the game style very nicely without just being pixel text.

The game also uses sound effects/music by Fesliyan Studios Inc, found at their website here.

Since none of the core mechanics of the game have changed since the previous update, I did not ask for any feedback on anything, just fixing things and adding visual/sound effects.

Checklist update - TODO: 

  • A few other sound effects need to be added, for player hurt/enemy die/buy upgrade etc. 
  • Make bats obscure vision
  • Make shadowmen stop moving if you pause
  • Maybe change attack key
  • tiny issue with menu screen bounds
  • UI polish (pick up text maybe?)
  • probably hook up the bushes/chests number to a random number generator/upgrade

Finished since last update: 

  • Player health/player now takes damage, PLAYER FINALLY CAN PASS OUT
  • Controls screen is done! 
  • Fixed the buttons on the 'swap' screen
  • Music/ Sound effects - mostly done
  • Chests/bushes now appear in the forest 
  • Visual effects - bloom/vignette to give the visuals more life, blur on pause menu/pass out

Player health was not a big issue to implement, when the enemy touches them it starts a coroutine that ticks every 0.5 seconds and damages the player as long as they are touching the enemy.

Probably the biggest change was the bushes and chests added. Each level spawns 2 bushes, and 2 chests with keys. The keys are laid out around the map and need to be collected in order to open the chests. This is how the player gets the more rare gems that sell for much more in the sell menu. The bushes are a hiding place for the player to go and snipe enemies. Shadowmen will not follow the player while the player is hiding. Bats still will though, they're in the sky so it's a bit harder to fool them. The keys were easy to implement, just reusing my hover/item pick up scripts and tweaking the latter to send a message to the chest when it's been unlocked. 

The controls screen was pretty easy, i duplicated the other vertical layout group from the inventory/pause menu and put different pictures there. I drew two custom sprites just for the sword/bow attack. They look pretty damn cool if I do say so myself.

The swap screen buttons have pretty much the same tile background, but with a tile/continuous effect rather than a stretch. I think it looks much better. 

After that, I wacked on a PostProcessingEffects volume and turned the bloom and vignette way up! This gives the PERFECT spooky forest/shiny items atmosphere I envisioned when I first created the forest concept art. 

The music tracks are the same ones I decided on in the concept devlog. They are from a free website

The music on the main menu/controls scenes has a don'tDestroyOnLoad script attatched that only gets destroyed once you enter the forest/go home. this was to prevent the music from starting over every time you clicked a different menu option.

The sound effects were also all from the site above, and they are mostly implemented. I had some issue with the chest unlock noise since i was destroying the key gameObject before the audio clip finished playing. I fixed this by just turning off the sprite and setting the key to be 'collected' by a bool so you couldn't spam the noise. Then I had a couroutine to destroy the gameObject after about 0.5 seconds rather than instantly after starting playing the clip.

Footsteps also make a noise, whenever the player is moving it starts a coroutine that plays a footstep noise every 0.4s or so, and ends when you stop moving. It took a bit of thinking but coroutines really came in clutch for the audio.

Arrows also make a swooshy noise when they are shot, and a sword attack has a shiing noise. There's still a blood noise for when you kill an enemy but that hasn't been added yet, as with the player 'hurt' noise for when you get injured.

This probably isn't my most detailed devlog, most of the technical stuff has already been implemented. 


  • 20 MB
    Oct 03, 2021
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