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First Crush Strips to Pay My Debt
A browser game made in HTML5

Launch Day! Woohoo!

This has been my September project. Analytics say people are actually playing. Aw sweet!

Horror strikes

A link in the game doesn't work! Oh no! More specifically, my patreon link wasn't working. How did I not test that? Well I shouldn't be too embarrassed I suppose. Bugs happen. It should be fixed now. I guess I might as well put it here:

The Future

I'm hoping this does well enough to keep me motivated going forward. The plan is a short adult game like this every month. But of course, if there's no audience, at some point I'll have to call it quits. Very excited for a Saw-inspired October game (don't worry, probs no gore, just nudes).

Thanks for playing. I hope you're as excited as I am about what's to come.

- Hat Jump


  • First Crush Strips To Pay My 11 MB
    Sep 30, 2021
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