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Devlog - New team and updates!

A downloadable game for Windows

Hey everyone!

These last weeks we had some news and of course, lots of work!

We are finally getting to implement our new multiplayer server, we ended up choosing Nakama as a good solution for the project. Shoutout to our dev Luis who spent many hours focusing on that task!

We also welcome our new devs, Alexandre and Luisa, who started giving their feedback about our alpha version and are already working on some important tasks such as events logs.

Fun fact: all of our team work in home office and we never meet everyone in person, due of course to the pandemic, but also because each one lives in a different part of Brazil. Last weekend we finally had the chance to have lunch with Fabricio, our UI/UX guy.

More improvements are being developed such as sound feedbacks, cards texts (make it more simple, nobody enjoys lots of reading in a game, right?) and we are also working on an icon information system.

Last, but not least, we are doing a POC of a MAJOR change on our game design. I feel excited and scared at the same time, since it is a big change, but we believe it will make the gameplay more easy and fun, so it is worthy! ;)

Thanks for reading and stay tunes to our news!

PS: Follow us on twitter:

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