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Update 0.3

Avani: The Primal Land
A downloadable game for Windows

Taming and riding of dinosaur is now finally possible with this update! Many small changes and bug fixes, as well as a complete overhaul to many ingame mechanics, are included. This changelog will contain screenshots and instructions to try to give at least an overview over what is new. Let's start with the most exciting new feature: Taming.


It is now possible to knock out both the Pteranodon and the Dilophosaurus. I recommend using a club for getting the job done. You can try using other weapons, but they need to have a high blunt damage rating and a low sharp damage rating in order to work. After you have knocked out a dinosaur, you can tame him by holding food in your hand and rightclick the dinosaur. They will only eat certain food though, so don't be surprised if you can't give them vegetables. After you feed the dinosaur he will gain some relationship. Depending on how much relationship you gained the dinosaur will no longer attack you or he might even defend you.

The relationship bar has different red lines indicating the milestones you can reach. Below the relationship bar you see what the dinosaur will do for you and what not. After the dinosaur has woken up you can pet him for extra relationship and staying close to him will boost relationship too, also when the dinosaur is hungry again you can now feed him without knocking him out.  You can give orders by holding down 'Q', but only if you have reached the third taming milestone. Your dinosaur friend will die very easily, so be careful with him. As soon as you can equip a saddle you should do that as it not only gives the option to ride him, but also a significant damage reduction to incoming damage. Don't forget to feed your dinosaur from time to time, as otherwise they will starve to death.


After having equipped the saddle you can ride the dinosaur, given that the riding taming milestone is reached. Controls remain the same and you can no longer receive damage, as all damage is redirected to the dinosaur. You will notice that you are significantly faster while riding a Dilophosaurus. For now you can only walk with the Pteranodon, but it is planned that you will be able to fly with him through the air soon :)

How Relationship works

Each dinosaur has a maximum amount of relationship you can acquire and this is based upon (Intelligence - Aggression ). Each dinosaur has a intelligence rating and an aggression rating. The higher the aggression rating the lower the maximum amount of relationship you can establish with this dinosaur, but the damage the dinosaur deals is higher. Currently, those values don't differ much, but soon they will be based upon their genes. Relationship can be increased by petting(once all 10 minutes), being near a dinosaur and by giving food. If you have other suggestions on how improve relationship then please let me know :) After having reached 50 relationship it is possible to ride a dinosaur. Excess relationship doesn't do anything yet, but will give combat buffs later. Hitting your  dinosaur friend will make them loose relationship with you. If you hit a dinosaur too often he might become hostile towards you.

Some words about genes

You might have read me talking about genes often and ask yourself: "Where are those genes?". As of now multiple different alleles do exist and each creature gets two random genes for each allele. There are dominant and non-dominant genes. Each color region a dinosaur has is being determined by a pair of two genes. The genes are random and they are being saved and loaded. Currently, they only have an influence over color, but will determine the size of a dinosaur, their aggression, intelligence, maximum food and maximum stamina soon. Also every dinosaur is either male or female, but that doesn't have any effect (yet!). Breeding is already possible in test versions, but it is not stable enough to release it with this update. Seeing the exact genes and perhaps even modifying them is a feature that I would love to add too, but that is not going to be added anytime soon if ever.

Weapon Rebalancing

Almost all weapons and tools have underdone changes to how much damage they deal. This is the first of possible multiple iterations with the goal to balance the game between 'too easy' and 'grindy'. Additionally, every single weapon now displays their damage values for sharp and blunt damage to make it easier to pick the right tool. Here is an overview over all existing weapons with their new values:

Clothing and Armor

The new saddles are applied using a new clothing system that works for the player too, but in this update there is no armor for the player. All clothing has an armor rating and the more armor a creature has the less damage it will receive. Currently, both saddles offer 50% damage reduction. In the future there will be more armor especially for the player. A third person perspective is also planned, which should make riding the dinosaur much easier too.

Issues with this update?

I have tested this update as well as given it to my friends and I couldn't find a single bug speaking as of now. As the update is huge the odds are pretty good that there is stuff I simply missed. If you encounter any kind of issues then don't hesitate to contact me and I will happily help you: If you just want to chat or give some feedback then your obviously welcome to do so as well!

Minor changes

The update took over three months and hundreds of hours to develop. Just scrolling through the list of todo tasks that I completed takes forever. Here is an overview of the more important changes and please forgive me that there might be changes which I did miss adding here.

- Hover system has been rewritten

- Interaction system has been rewritten

- All whistles now have sound effects

- Chicken now has a ragdoll

- Pteranodon  now has a ragdoll

- Added standup animation for Pteranodon 

- Added Pteranodon saddle item and recipe

- Replaced Dilophosaurus saddle item and recipe

- Removed 'hat'

- Fixed saving and  loading while having dead dinosaurs

- Added new tutorial steps

- Updated Unity version to 2020.3.17f1

- Branch now has a higher drop rate for certain items

- Added loading of genes


  • avani_setup.exe 197 MB
    Mar 23, 2021
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