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10 pager game mechanics

New and First project
A browser game made in HTML5

            Each character in my game will have different mechanics or something that makes them special of course however let’s start with the base mechanics that everyone can use. Everyone can Kick, slash and heavy slash to attack, kick being the fastest to come out, slash being the next fastest and heavy slash being the move that universally takes the longest to come out. Each character can block, jump, double jump dash and grab. Block being able to block most things except a grab or a move that does grab in some sort of way. Each character as well has a standard super move that doesn’t do a lot of damage but can be combed after words and the ultimate super that costs the most meter and does the most damage as well. Meter can also be spent to do moves that intentionally knock the other opponent’s sword from them leaving them in a vulnerable state till the sword comes back to them in ten seconds. The sword cannot be retrieved in any way and in this state the character will not be able to perform most of their attacks and can block but at risk of taking additional chip damage than they would with blocking. They can as well punch and kick but would do less damage than they would if they had their sword. The move to take the sword away that must be performed by the opponent has a slightly slower start up to make so it is react able by the other player, landing this move or not takes away half the meter of the caster this move cannot be blocked. The last way meter can be spent is for half a bar a character can yell which knocks the opponent back doing no damage but putting both characters back in neutral. This is a good move get someone off you if they are creating too much pressure however depending on how much meter gain is I might create a limit to how many times it can be used in a round.

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