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Kickstarter Update Day Sixteen

Driven into Darkness Quickplay Version
A downloadable Tabletop RPG

This is an update for Kickstarter backers


New art and layout for page 33 Reactions, time of day and trinkets.


Holy Shield has had its targeting and effect changed now reading Yourself, allies & allied hordes within 3m reduce damage by your R-Spell mod (to a min of 1).

May you be unharmed now can select an allied horde as a target.


Traits such as dualist, hunter, read, tame fury, parry, and dual parry now specify one use per round.

Cat-like now grants a bonus to escaping restraints

The ability to reduce damage from Reflexes has now been moved to Nimble, Nimble has lost its bonus to resisting interceptions.

Opportunist no longer requires a QA to activate

Reflexes is now a passive effect that expands your critical success range to defend vs attacks, spells and other harmful effects that impose Dex-Def checks by a value equal to half your R-Dex mod.

Resilience gained a new effect that reads, In addition, your current and maximum bH is increased by a value equal to half your R-Con.

The healing effect of Resolve now also adds your R-Con.

Controlled Chaos work differently now read, When your spell causes a mishap you roll 4 dice, adding two to determine the result.

Frozen heart and Fiery soul specify that their effects do not stack.

The effect of Bodyguard now specifies that it does not stack.

Eviscerate can now only hit a single target even when attacking hordes, reading, If you hit a single target or single horde member 

The effect of Rank Formation now specifies that it does not stack.

Riposte can now only hit a single target even when attacking hordes you may damage one attacking target or one horde member within your reach.

Sweep attack has been reworked and now reads, Sweep; QA, Str-Def: Throwback any number of chosen targets within your weapon's reach. Affected targets are thrown back up to R-Str or R-Dex mod metres, taking damage equal to the distance thrown if they hit an object.

Weapon Properties 

A 1H weapon wielded in two hands now deals +1 bD

Defensive Quick Actions 

Redirect now specifies that it can only be used once per instance of damage and has had the minimum the damage can reduced by increased from 0 to 1.

Rule of spell casting 

Added a line that incurs an increase in casting difficulty when casting the same spell multiple times, reads, Casting the same spell multiple times in one phase increases the TN the cast them by 1 per spell.

Reworded the horde combat rules to remove some bugs from the system. now reads:

Combine actions Add half a hordes number (max of +8) to checks of combined effort. If multiple horde members of the same type are in range to attack a character, have the TN to defend vs them increase by half the number of attackers (max of +8).

Combine Damage Using the weapon damage of the majority of attackers, (Claw 4 Damage), add a value equal to half the number of successful attacks to the damage total of a hordes combined attack. (Eg. 8 Claw attacks hit dealing 4+4 for 8 total damage). For spellcasting hordes add half of their numbers to the TN to defend vs the spell and to its damage.

Combine Move If a horde moves as a combined unit they are intercepted as a group and add half their number (to a max of +8) to the TN of checks made to resist being intercepted by them.

Health Threshold (HT) Opponents of the same type share a health threshold equal to one member's max health (A HT of 9 for thralls). If the horde takes damage equal to their HT they lose a member; the horde then loses an additional targeted member for every point of damage above the HT. Damage or healing reduces or restores a hordes HT by 1/4 of the amount received. Any effect that doubles damage or healing also doubles HT reduction or restoration. An effect that targets multiple members reduces or restores the hordes HT by 1/2 the amount received, if the effect targets all of the horde members the HT reduction or restoration is equal to the amount received. HT value changes comes into effect at the end of the phase. The minimum HT is 1.

Targeting a horde When fighting hordes in melee a character can target any number of members within their reach during the phase. If using ranged or thrown weapon attacks characters can target up to 4 members that are all adjacent to each other, if using an ability that increases their number of attacks they can choose to have each attack target a different set of 4 members that are all adjacent to each other. Ranged spells target a number of members equal to the spells max targets (Eg. A 9th tier magic user casts Magic Arrows at 9th tier targeting 12 horde members). Spells and abilities with an area of effect target all within their area.

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