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Might seem like it will take an eternity. Looped Devlog 3

A browser Looped made in HTML5

Your Looped! Master!

Hi, long time no see. I have been working on Looped on and off for sometime and forgot to make a devlog in the meantime :) I haven't done one in a long time and the game has progressed a lot in the meantime! Like a lot! 

The Game is in it's final stages! Hurray! But, the final stage is always the longest. Bug fixes, Small improvments, crashs :(, feedback, more improvments, tweaks, and more (Boss?!, Story-line?!!!)

One year of development

Oct 5 marked the 1 year development of Looped. But, I wasn't able publish the devlog on that day :( but, still let's celebrate it, with a devlog ðŸ¥³

I would like this opportunity to thank the GDevelop community and the fireside discord for helping me make this. This game is made with GDevelop 5 btw

I hope to release this game in the next coming months :) Hopefully!

The Wave System 

I ended up making a wave system instead of a difficulty curve as it will give people more sense of progress than a never ending loop (Ha Ha! get it?)  Currently, I haved stopped at 10 waves. I don't plan on making more, but maybe an un-beatable level with all the enemies at once ðŸ¤”

New Enemies!

Red Bomber

Shoots bombs that slow down and eventually explode. Try not to be near it, it will harm you, like reduce your health by 2 ! You can detinate the bomb my shooting it too

Purple Witch

Shhhhh! Sneak peek!

Power-ups in it's full glory!

In the last devlog I showed a small sneak peak of the power-ups. So, here it is in it's full glory!

Black Hole

My Favourite, the Black sucktion cup. It sucks in anything (except the player, game mechanics, you know) bullets, enemies, other power-ups. Use it as a defence wall or a show piece of darkness

The enemies become smaller as they enter the black hole, which it my favorite effect. It gives it an realistic look, and also took me a lot of tweaking and bug fixes to get it done , Worth it!

Shock Wave

Moves the enemies back, to give you an edge, recently added a zoom shake to give it some punch

Super Bullet

Shoot anywhere, at anything.....

Lost screen!

Where the lost finds the menu

I am loving the transitions. But, not the time it took to make it :(

Hope to see you soon!!


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