Posted September 07, 2021 by DreamToaster
Thank you to everyone who has bought HONK, shared their creations, alerted me of bugs, and shared your ideas for future features! HONK is past halfway to being officially released!
This concludes all the features I'd originally intended to include in HONK.
BUT! I'VE CHANGED MY MIND! Y'all have liked this tool so much and I've seen some amazing creations. I want to keep developing this tool and adding features. I've added more features to the roadmap before HONK's release (listed on the page). If you have any ideas for what else should included in HONK, let me know in the community thread!
Grombit by FIZZTAPP from ToDoMon
Nyanobot & CHONK (both cats) by That Kalish
Accessed through the same menu for setting up your speech sprites, your character can now blink!
You can also setup mouse tracking for your character's eyes. This includes calibration, eye tracking shapes, and setting the distance the eye can travel.
Thank you so much everyone!
Be sure to share your creations on Twitter using #vHONK so I can see them!
-Tyler <3