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Upcoming 0.2 Update // Future releases - Dark Fate Chronicles

Dark Fate Chronicles
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

Hello everyone,

it's been a while since the last release, but the new version of DFC will be released fairly soon. I still have a couple of renders that I need to do and there's still a lot of coding that needs to be done, but I should be able to finish that by the end of the month. At this point I've rendered about 60 images and added roughly 2500 more words to the dialogue, with more to come. I don't know how many more renders there will be, because that's something I always decide on the fly, but there should be at least another 20 renders.

The new release will introduce another character and will at least in some ways explore Julie's past. The new character is called Fiona, but instead of describing her, I guess this is better: 

Like most of my characters, she completely custom. That includes the general figure of the character, but also her skin, eyes etc.

In addition to the introduction of Fiona, there will also be a few minor changes to the phone menu and a couple of other smaller changes to the dialogue (mainly fixing typos and rewriting a few lines). There's also gonna be one big change, which will be that the game will switch from just one protagonist to two protagonists (with one more protagonist to be added later). I still have to figure out how to make it clear when the switch to the other protagonist is happening. Even though it should be clear from how the dialogue changes, I still think that a small pop up or a screen might be a better choice. That's something I'd like opionions on, either here or on my Discord server, whatever floats your boat I guess.

So with all that in mind, what will happen after this update?

Well, once this update is done the attention will be on how Julie meets Molly and John. As well as how Julie tries to get close to them, or rather what her undercover story/job will be. I gotta admit though, that the model for John still isn't finished yet, but that's something that I can focus on when I got the current update done and have more time to actually figure out how I want him to look like. The good news is though that Molly is done and those of you who "played" the predecessor of DFC will know who Molly is. For those who don't, this is Molly:

It's an older render of Molly, but she still looks mostly the same, with just some detail changes.

That's it for now ...

best regards


PS: As always, if you have any feedback, questions or ideas please let me know in the comments or on my Discord server. :)

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