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Version 0.5 Update

CouCou Testing
A downloadable game

2 new features have been added; fishing and out-of-combat item use!


Colliding with the edge of the world will show a prompt to fish. This isn't ready yet as there is no visual aid to show when you've actually caught a fish. This will come when models and animations are added.

Out-of-combat item use:

You are now able to use items outside of battle through the satchel. Ripe berries increase the health of a CouCou by 30% of their maximum health, and will revive them if they'd collapsed. Elemental berries (Burnt, Frozen, Fruitful, Bright and Dark Berries) give experience rather than mindset, since you aren't in battle. They give 3000 experience if given to a CouCou of the same element or 900 experience otherwise. Mystic berries boost a CouCou's experience by 15000.


- The dialogue text and speaker text now correctly hide themselves when the speaker has nothing to say

- Camera now rotates correctly around the player when they're fishing

- Surprise attacks now work if the enemy has a psychic ability first

- Diminishing returns on attacks and resistances have been buffed and no longer become negative

- Receiving an item no longer freezes the game

- You now cannot catch a CouCou on the fishing line if you have no CouCou of your own

- No longer has a cross-scene script executing and causing nullerrors

- The Use Item button in the satchel now correctly displays if you can use it or not

- Experience is now granted after each enemy collapses, rather than only at the end

- Collapsed CouCou now no longer benefit from the bonus HP from walking around

- Increased the max amount of exp is required for a level up (from ((4x)^2)/5 to ((10x^2)/4)


  • CouCou Version 22 MB
    Sep 04, 2021
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