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Release 0.2.0 Update

Evil Mutant Gummy Bears
A browser game made in HTML5

This latest update has unfortunately been delayed by over a month due to life getting in the way. It was actually built on the 22nd August but I've been too busy with the Brackey's game jam to post the files. I've been in the process of applying for new jobs over the last six or so weeks which has taken most of my free time. The good news is I managed to secure a new job working with Unity building 3d simulation software which is really exciting and something I never thought would happen.

With regards to this update not too much has changed to the game logic however I have added a new first level as the original level was pretty full on to get started. The new level takes place in an office which is in the process of being overrun by the gummies, your first task is to find a weapon to start fighting back. This new level brings the total for the game to three which should provide 10-20 minutes of gameplay.

I've also added a web build as I just wasn't getting very many views let alone downloads and I suspect that a lot of people prefer to try a web build first before downloading a game - I know I do. The performance of the web build on my rather low spec'd laptop isn't great, but it should work ok on  a decent machine ok, and if nothing else lets you try the game before downloading the larger Windows build. I would be keen to get peoples feedback on how the web build runs for them, and whether they prefer web based games.

This will probably be the last build for a while on this game as it just isn't getting the views that some of my other games are.


  • Gummy Bears Web (version 0.2.0) 43 MB
    Sep 04, 2021
  • Gummy Bears Demo (version 0.2.0) 103 MB
    Sep 04, 2021
Download Evil Mutant Gummy Bears
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