Posted September 01, 2021 by Commander Rad
#weekly update
The fictional vehicle from #Synty Military asset pack was replaced with the JLTV as light troop transport. No idea what the old vehicle is based off of. Reminds me a bit of the Turkish Otokar Cobra. For units, whenever possible, we will use real hardware, even if they're weird prototypes or were abject failures.
Old icon getting replaced with the new. Gonna make an effort to make custom icons for all units, just like good ol' #cnc., but I will likely make a lot of template icons for certain types of vehicles, rather than unique icons for literally everything.
Moving forward, I'm going to make two weekly updates. One focused on assets, the other on functionality.
I wish I could post a new version every time we added new functionality, but that would be prohibitively time-consuming.
Cheers, C. Rad