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A more in depth How To Play

Brain Fried
A downloadable game for Windows

Once you start...

  • The Pantry

    This is where you have your base foods, your main ingredients. You use them to make other foods, those foods for other foods, and so on. You know which foods to put together by using...

  • The Recipe Book

    Press "R" to toggle your recipe book. This gives you recipes on every food in the book. Once you've obtained this meal making knowledge, you head on over to...

  • The Magical Stove

    Literally just a regular stove. Use your recipes to make foods to serve to...

  • The Customers

    Some are patient, some aren't. A red circle will appear above the customers. This is how much time you have until they get angry (the chaos bar gets bumped up a tiny bit). To serve the customers, get the food that they want, and click on them to chuck their meal right to them.

  • The Chaos Meter

    This is a bar in the bottom left that indicated how chaotic things are, and thus how much you've lost your mind. If this bar gets too high, you loose your sanity, and all hell and chaos breaks loose.

  • Most Optimal Strategies

    Focus on making the recipes from top to bottom, left to right. Start with the apple, then banana. From here, you can make a number of different things, but personally, I suggest the Mayo Burger (Mayonnaise, Burger, and Banana), since a ton of people request this, and it is an ingredient in the Chaos Combo (Mayo Burger, The Manager (Fat Dude in cupboards), and GoldenTrashCan). Also make sure to get base foods (from the pantry) to the customers as fast as possible to minimize chaos. Most of the time, this is enough to survive.

I am sorry about the difficulty curve in the game, and I will start fixing it once I wake up (6 AM as of writing this)

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