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What's new in Słowica - August 2021

A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

I haven't posted anything about my game for a long time. So I decided to try something new and write a short diary of the latest in-game changes :)

For the past month, whenever I have had free time for it, I have been working to improve the quality and structure of the code. I have noticed that long lists with more content start to lag very much when manually entering any data in the editor. So I decided to redesign the way I could input dialogues into the game. I chose a solution that I already have quite a lot of experience with, and with the scale of my game it is also fast and very easy to use - IO.

I wrote some simple functions that saved existing lists of dialogues to a text file and then overwritten the list in Unity when requested, using the data in that file. So I can now quickly input new dialogues into the game, without fear of having to wait for a response after each action. Obviously that lag was now a fraction of a second, but when I was changing over 300 data fields, well... it was taking quite a lot of time.

Sure, this solution isn't the best. I could use XML, for example, but I didn't consider it when I was designing the code and the chosen method seemed to be the most efficient solution in this situation. Plus, I don't have any experience with XML, and I didn't want to waste time, which I don't have much anyway, learning something new when I have another solution at my hand.

Apart from that, I also drew quite a lot. I uploaded some drawings to my Twitter too. I'm happy with my own development, I'm doing much better. I often self-deprecate, but by drawing continuously and with help of my wife and a specialist, my thinking about myself is much better now. The most important thing is to not lose against oneself.

I like the way Słowica looks. I would like the work to go faster, but on the other hand I'm glad it didn't stop, as with many other projects. My goal is to finish and release the game, no matter how long it takes.


Filip Leon Opuk

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