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Version 1.5.1 - Release Update

The Opal of Narsine
A browser game made in HTML5


    - Farnor improvements.

    - Fixed and improved Tisseth.

    - Sandon improvements.

    - Fixed player skills not improving. That should help a LOT!

    - Some skillcheck adjustments.

    - Begun the process of Dialogification of certain passages. This should help reduce the amount of clicks and screen flips the player has to go through when playing.

    - Updated to Sugarcube 2.35.0

    - Removed old Changelog entries on this page. Full changelog updated elsewhere.

    - Various minor fixes.

After spotting a pretty bad bug with training and playing around deep within the code - I decided that putting this update out sooner than later was a good idea. I didn't get everything done that I wanted for August, but that's life. The good news is: after playing around with a new project I've developed some new techniques for improving this game - mostly from the dialog standpoint. It still needs work, but I like the initial results more than the mistakes I just rolled back this morning. I'll figure this out, though, and the game will be better for it. 

As for what the future holds? I don't know. Lately, I've been really depressed and really bogged down with a lot of stuff that makes me want to drop this game and the novel completely for new projects that might be easier to complete. There's also many things in real life that I want to attend to.  Obviously Chapter 5 content is on my mind, as well as generally improving the game.

It's morning - I'm drinking coffee - here's the update. Now, I spend time thinking and managing myself. We'll go over plans the next update soon enough.


  • The Opal of Narsine v151.rar 4 MB
    Aug 26, 2021
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