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Esoteric Update #148 - A Proper Intro

Esoteric ♥ Esoterica
A downloadable game for Windows

This week I'll be explaining some details about my situation as well. At the end of the update, that is. For now, let's start with some lore. Since I missed some lore posting recently, I've prepared a whole 4 new uploads for this update:

Lore: Ages
Lore: Liber Veritatis
Lore: Daimonic Philosophia
Lore: Liber de Sinistram Viam

Now for the update. Starting with the smaller things - I did the usual rounds of slightly improving the code here and there, fixing typos, correcting bugs, etc. This ended up being a few rather essential fixes to the usage of skills within conversations. Additionally, I decided to sell out and implement a modern game design pattern into the game. When you complete a task listed in the journal, it will get a green mark next to it. Ugh, I feel dirty just admitting to this.

The rest of my time was spent on continuing revamping the intro. It's rather large now, though it lacks about 25% of the content I want to put into it. Nevertheless, it should be ready soon and make a good presentation of the so-called "version 2" rules on which I'm currently building the game. And I hope that once you have a chance to look at it, you'll be able to more clearly see why developing these new mechanics was so important.

That said, I don't want to dawdle here too much and just spoil the interactions in the intro. I'll just note that I also expanded the base tutorialisation for the game, but you can also turn off tutorials/help if you want to. So let's move to my situation since it needs mentioning.

I'm going to the hospital the following Monday. It's nothing serious, but I need to get a minor quality of life surgery. Normally this is an outpatient surgery, but in my case, the doctor wants to keep an eye on me for a little bit, so I'll be there for at least 2 whole days, maybe more. Then I'll get released, and I'll be able to go back home and hopefully have a better time with things. The point is that because of the surgery, I do not plan to make an update next week, so I'll do one around the 5th or 6th of next month. Hopefully, though, this should more or less resolve my medical issues for the time being, and they won't get in the way of development for the foreseeable future.

I'll also be returning to work (as in the work that supports me financially) soon, but in so far as the outlook on that is pretty positive. I should have plenty of time to work on the game but might be a bit more absent online.

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