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A Peaceful Life - Episode 6 and something else

A Peaceful Life
A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

Hi all! FP here, thanks for supporting me! Two weeks passed and a new update is here, today update contains some new scenes, 2-Hscenes and some new mild scene just to setup future scenes.

Regarding contents, some people pointed out that I sometimes make the MC too stupid and he's the butt of the jokes too many times. After re-reading the script, I came to a conclusion that... I fucking do, sometimes bit too much even for my own liking, so expect it to be reduced in this and future update, some jokes here and there but not too much. Thanks again for those who pointed out to me, I really appreciate it.

Regarding updates schedule, I made up my mind and choose to make it once every two weeks, the details is one week for CG capture and one week for writing, (and few days for polishing).

Regarding the links, because doesn't let file more than 1GB to be uploaded and because I just realized it now, I put in some links to external files, it's in Mega, Pixeldrain, and Anonfiles. I'll contact after this update, this link thingy is just a temporary measure. 

Other than that, on completely unrelated (not game dev) note, my cat just gave birth to a three cute kittens.


  • A Peaceful Life [Episode 1 - 6] - ANONFILES
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  • A Peaceful Life [Episode 1 - 6] - MEGA
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  • A Peaceful Life [Episode 1 - 6] - PIXELDRAIN
    Aug 22, 2021
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