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LET THERE BE BLOOD! (the blood update)

Beyond the Trenches
A downloadable trench for Windows


In this update, 

1. you have a visual indicator based on the amount of health you have left, the less health you have, the more blood you see on your screen.

2. if you are near someone that just died, you will see blood splatter on your screen (so far it's just the default blood effect on your screen but I will change it later) that lasts for 5 seconds before slowly dissipating.

3. new blood particle effect so it looks like a drop of blood rather than just a red cube.

4. the third gun (Thomson SMG) now has a fire rate so you don't lose ammo instantly.

5. if you run out of ammo a UI element will pop up showing you have no ammo left, and it disables if you swap guns unless that gun is out of ammo.

6. removed the machine gun from the second floor of the fort on the verdun map and made the window sill smaller.

7. and lastly, I added some ragdolls on the first map.

Thank you,

~Cyber Games


  • Beyond the Trenches - Beta 88 MB
    Aug 17, 2021
  • Beyond the Trenches - Beta 114 MB
    Aug 21, 2021
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