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Ritter Ultimate Event Spawner MZ v1.5 Released!

Ritter Ultimate Event Spawner (RPG Maker MZ)
A downloadable RPG Maker MZ Plugin

Ritter Ultimate Event Spawner MZ has been Updated to version 1.5!

With this update comes some ease of use improvements and a significant issue was discovered and patched. I've never had this issue cause any problems but leaving traces of event sprites stacking up over time may cause performance loss on lower end devices. I've spawned well over a million events in my stress tests and never had any reason to suspect this was occurring until I happened to check in the right place one day. Never caused any issues for me, probably hasn't for you, maybe not for anyone but better to fix it now.

The plugin code should be easier now for developers to navigate through as there is info text for every function explaining what the function does and what the parameter objects fed to it are. This should save time for anyone looking to edit the code. (I cannot offer support for changes to the code, but I do take suggestions on improvements to the spawner, so if your idea is good feel free to suggest it!)

The Spawners Boundary System has been revamped with Major Updates in this release. Be sure to check out the Automated Boundaries section of Ritter Ultimate Event Spawner MZ store page for an introduction to this awesome feature! This new method has proven to be much more efficient and much more intuitive than the old method for calling boundaries, the end result far exceeded my expectations.

The most exciting feature for me would be Saved Boundary Events. I've always intended on including saved events for boundaries but never was able to settle on the proper logic for handling them in a way that wouldn't stack up an incredible amount of events on the map. I put thought into it and came to the decision to recycle the saved events, losing eventId but retaining all other event data. This allowed for Saved Boundary Events to act and appear exactly as they were before they were unspawned or before a map change, with the only difference being a different eventId when it respawns. This is a feature I'm also considering adding as an alternative saved event for regular spawned events.

I hope you all enjoy the update! 

This update will be coming eventually for Ritter Ultimate Event Spawner MV as well. (Minus the plugin commands)

Update Changelog:

  • Added Plugin Commands for Event Spawner.
  • Added Plugin Commands for Boundary System.
  • Added Automated Boundaries.
  • Added Saved Boundary Events.
  • Added Developer Mode Warning Alerts. (Work in Progress)
  • Added Info Text Throughout Plugin Code.
  • Fixed an issue with recycled event sprites not being removed completely.
Download Ritter Ultimate Event Spawner (RPG Maker MZ)
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