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Tutorial 5

UTAS KIT207 Portfolio
A browser game made in HTML5

In the above picture a camera zoom out is used to show the rest of the level and where the player should go (Down the ramp). When the player walks into the area before the ramp the camera will do this.  

When the player starts heading down the ramp he/she will trigger another camera. This camera is on a dolly track which will follow the player down the ramp on a close up, side angle. 

Once the player reaches the bottom of the ramp the camera reverts back to it's original state of following the character in third person. Another affect is also applied in the small area adjacent to the ramp's exit. A PostProcessing Volume effect is triggered when the player enters creating quite a dark feeling. This is done by decreasing the exposure of the scene and also adding a bit of vignette to blacken out the edges of the screen. Once the player is able to find their way out of this black area the effects will turn to it's original state. The Gobal Post Proccessing used in this scene  was bloom to makes things look like everything was glowing and ambient occlusion to make the shadowing around the platform edges look a bit more realistic.

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