is community of indie game creators and players


Self-Study Module 5

KIT207 Portfolio
A browser game made in HTML5

This devlog is a part of learning of KIT207 from UTAS. This week, our mission is trying to generate some lightning in Unity.

My first task was to follow Brackeys tutorial about lightning below and finish it. To be honest, I've seen his tutorial before trying to add some lightning to my simple game, so completing this tutorial was not too difficult for me. However, this tutorial still helps me to learn a lot more when do it again so please check it out here: 

Here is my final result: 

My second task was to add light to the scene I was working on during this self-study series. Although my simple game had some lighting throughout the scene, I wasn't completely satisfied with it, so I picked it up for a little tweaking. First I created some basic lamps and placed them where I thought would light up the whole scene.

After that I added to each lamp a point light to make it the lamp light as it should and  tweaked the intensify value and the range of each light a bit so that it could illuminate exactly where I wanted it to be. Below is some picture of the scene before the lightning setup had bene done

And here is after 

In general, lightning in the game is a very necessary thing and is also the main factor that makes the game more realistic. I think I need to practice a lot more about lightning since lightning for me is still a very new element and I have not had the opportunity to work with it in 2D projects before. However, this experience also made me realize that working with lightning will take a lot of time because baking lightning is really heavy in terms of hardware.


  • 11 MB
    Aug 09, 2021
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