Posted August 16, 2021 by One Take Studios
#first #log #additions #release date
Hey, there!
Welcome to the first development log of SCP: Site Director - now that I've decided to make a page, I've also subsequently decided to commence writing development logs weekly; this will be the first of the weekly development logs that are to come.
So - what have you completed so far, you may ask. I have fully completed the placement system and a save / loading system, plus a safe currency saving system that should be secure. I am planning to work on the pathfinding of the characters today and over the next few days - I have already thought up of the code, I just need to write it now. It is pretty much confirmed now that I will not give up on this project, like I do with many others; so that is the reason for me creating a page.
After these additions, I am planning to add electrical and (possibly) water systems, where there are limits for the usage of these depending on the amount of pumps / generators you own. Once again, after this, I will be working on ways to make currency and how containment breaches will work; this is all the information I currently have but I am sure that the game will have many more features than the ones listed here.
I hope this development log was informative enough with the progress of the game - we will be looking for bug testers in the near future once the game is fully playable (most likely one pathfinding is completed). If you were wondering about the release date, I currently have no such information relating on this topic other than the fact I would like to have the game launched in Alpha by December and having a full launch (including compatibility with Xbox, Mobile and more) by June '22.
That is it for now, hope to see you in the next development log!