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Ascended The Fallen Kingdom 2.1.5

Patch Notes for 2.1.5:

-New tutorial;

-New Tilesets;

-Collision Bug fix;

-Reworked Levels;

-Platform update, bug fix;

-Going down on platforms;

-New Backgrounds;

-New player sprites for certain states;

-Available levels for this patch (8);

-Changed the games font;

-Tittle Screen Change;

-Show messages when chance to interact with item;

-Adrian prototype reskin;

-Moving npcs added- NPCs wander, idle, turn when talking;

-Do not take damage on collision with spider and skeleton;

-Spiders attack with jumping and smashing down;

-Exit button on Paused screen;

-Enemies flash red when hurt;

-Skeleton and Spider, warn with a flash of white, before attacking;

-Ladders don't require to use shift for use anymore;

-Splash Screen Image removed;

-Fixed text changing colour when flair shows up;

-Changes to the dialogue visuals;

-Added warnings for arrow traps;

-Healthbar displays textual health;

-Slight input changes;

-Enemies collide with platform;

-Max health reduced to 100;

-Health drops heal 5 instead of 20 hit points;

-New design of players death;

It has been in the works for a long time with everything happening in the same time for me. Having to finish up school, trying to get a job and being pushed back by my mental health once again, the update and content around it has been lacking and pushed back. Thank you all for the support and let's continue growing!


  • Ascended The Fallen Kingdom 2.1.5.exe 26 MB
    Aug 15, 2021
Download Ascended The Fallen Kingdom 2.1.5
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