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The Full Version Is Now Available!

Snow Brothers - A Fan Game
A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

Kind, patient fans of Snow Brothers, your patience has finally paid off!

We are super proud to announce the full version of the Snow Brothers Fan Game, now available here on!

(Just in case you're wondering: While there will likely be no more content added after this, that may change if there's enough interest, and we will certainly correct as many bugs as we can as they come in.)

We took the time since we released the demo to do a LOT of work on the game, doing our best to put our own spin on this classic while remaining as faithful as possible to not just the arcade version, but also taking into consideration a couple of the console ports. We think you're really going to enjoy the feeling of nostalgia coupled with some surprises that keep the game fresh each time you play it.

Of course, we've also spent a lot of time refining the game's mechanics and fixing up bugs as we went along, and the end result is something enjoyable whether you're a long-time fan of the game or just trying it out for the first time.

"C'mon Already! Just Tell Us What You've Done with the Game!"

Ok, ok! We'll get to the good stuff now!

While we don't want to give away ALL of the surprises in the game, here's a partial list of the things we've done to the game since we posted the demo all those months ago:

  • Added a bunch of new levels!
  • Levels are in a randomized order with each playthrough, and you for sure won't hit every one each time.
  • Added a handful of new baddies, taken from both the arcade and other versions.
  • (You may even notice one of the boss minions making an appearance in some 'normal' levels, with completely new behaviour!)
  • Hit "P" or "Enter" to pause the game. (Sometimes you just have to itch your nose in the middle of a hard level...)
  • Snuck in a cheat code for extra lives (can you figure it out?).
  • Mucho bug fixes across the board.
  • The game window can now be resized with sprites scaling appropriately!

We genuinely hope you enjoy this take on Snow Brothers! And, of course, we welcome any feedback (good or bad!) and bug reports.


  • 23 MB
    Aug 11, 2021
  • 24 MB
    Aug 11, 2021
  • 24 MB
    Aug 11, 2021
Download Snow Brothers - A Fan Game
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