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Weekly-weekly update!

From Angel To Danger [NSFW] [v0.0.6]
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Hey hey Itch

How're you doing?

Sorry for the delayed weekly update, I had a power outage on Sunday that shifted everything to be 1 day later hence why I had to make a Patreon post on Monday and itch on Tuesday.. today :)

Now talking about the new update, it's almost ready!

Patrons will get their hands on it at the end of this week and it will be available in the middle of the next week for the public!

Here's more info about it:

I have also updated the progress image on Patreon in the description so it's no longer behind

Aaand here's some exclusive animation!

Sorry guys keeping this one short as I have to prepare all the content for this update.. also don't want to spoil a lot hah

Thank you for your attention guys!

Wait for the next week to get new update in your hands ;)

Yours Bermudo

Download From Angel To Danger [NSFW] [v0.0.6]
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