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Week 4 Self Study/Portfolio

UTAS KIT207 Portfolio
A downloadable project

This week the tutorial and self study tasks were interconnected, with tutorial having us create an enemy object,  which was setup to chase our player character. After creating the enemy, additional setup was required to instantiate the enemy where the player clicks on the terrain. 

For the self study, the task was to setup player health, collision with health items and enemies, as well as enemy spawning and damage. To spawn enemies, an empty game object was placed in the desired location, and a spawning script was used to instantiate the enemy at a desired interval, using the position of the spawner game object as a guide on where to place the prefab.

A player health script was used to setup player health, and was combined with the use of a canvas to display health in the top left of the screen. IncreasaeHealth and DecreaseHealth functions in the player health script, are called in trigger detection script to either increase health when a player collides with a "health cube" or to decrease health when an enemy collides with a player. When a players health falls below 1, they are dead, and the player game object is destroyed.

In an ideal world, this short game prototype would have more polish, due to time constraints, simple "health cubes" were used rather then a quality model of a health kit.  A game over message could be displayed, as well as some kind of death animation.  Alternatively, there is currently no "maximum health" as health is only limited by the amount of health items on the map, theoretically the player could collect all the cubes before an enemy spawns and enjoy a higher starting pool of health. 

Finally it should be noted that work was done to implement navigation in the "Tourist Attraction" scene including creating a moving obstacle, but the game was ported over to the supplied sample scene, as the self made scene was too cluttered and, testing and creating the elements required would have been overly difficult.

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