Version - "Bugs Begone!"
Welcome to the second update of 2021. Here are the list of changes:
- Bugs begone! Multiple bugs have been fixed and the game should therefore be much more stable now.
- Major changes to the election system have been made. In addition, the election results go by the time in which state voting booth's close.
- The debating system has been altered to be more determined on the candidate's skill set.
- Joe Biden has been boosted and Donald Trump slightly nerfed, should give better results. Kamala Harris now starts off as Joe Biden's VP.
- Changes have been made to the sprites to make it clear which sprites are drop-down boxes.
That's all there is to this update, I did some playtesting and I believe these changes to have been for the better. The game should be much more enjoyable to play now that there should be a lot less crashing. What's next? Maybe getting the art style altered, maybe. Will have to look for someone affordable enough and capable enough to take on that task.