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Devlog 05: Temporary Break

Fist World Volga
A downloadable fighting board game

Hey there,

despite (or possibly because) our best efforts trying to avoid this scenario, work on the 2nd Round expansion is on break until September 7th due to IRL circumstances, mostly related to our college studies.

The idea was to buckle down during July and a week or so in August to ultimately release it on the 15th or, at worst, 22nd, before fully shifting our efforts on college again. Unfortunately, the workload from the latter coupled with circumstances outside from our control caused testing to slowly grind to a halt - which in turn stressed us out beyond what should be acceptable for this kind of project. Basically, we were perceptive enough to feel the early effects of crunch setting in - and we don’t do that shit here, so we’re taking a break to prevent any further damage, to both our studies and our “team dynamic” from happening.

As for its status, Fist World Volga: 2nd Round is actually nearing completion: 3 out of 4 characters have been fully tested and the booklet is largely complete, only missing the cover art, a lore entry for the final character and a last-minute mechanics entry to clarify some details about its Head function. Once we get back to work in September, the goal is to get this final character ready and ultimately ship before October comes around (once again, if all goes right).

As for the “secret addition” we teased a while back, that’s also being slowly taken care of. Since it’s not being done “in house” there’s not much we can do to expedite the process - especially because the guy taking care of it is in even worse circumstances than we are. Still, what’s there is looking pretty good, and we’re confident it’ll be worth the wait.

Thank you for your attention.


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