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Devlog - Self Study 4 (Game Ideas)

“UTAS KIT207 Portfolio
A downloadable game

Hello, This devlog post is all about my game ideas for the upcoming projects for KIT207

The overarching theme for these games match the theme that was given to us which is "Unexpectedly Opposite" Which is pretty self explanotory, but the game has to have something that is opposite to what the players might expect for example: "the left control could make the player go right"

Here are two game ideas that i came up with:

Slowest Always Wins

This game is a kart style racing game, It would similar to other kart style racing games out there except the big twist, and the main objective of of the game is, instead of racing to win, the player is racing to lose! The players could pick up power ups that either affect other players races such as giving them a speed boost, or give the player a helping hand in losing, such as slowing them down or adding more time on their race time. The players MUST finish the race to be counted, otherwise they will recieve a DNF, there will be a certain amount of racing time where the players must finish within that time limit. 

The target audience of this game would be all ages, and anyone that likes arcadey/karting style racing games such as Mario Kart. I think this game would be succesful because everyone loves kart style racing games, and this could be an exciting twist on an already great style of game, and also a lot of fun amongst friends.

Fish(On-Land) Tycoon

This game is a random take on a classic game called Fish tycoon, which basically is where you start as a small fish and slowly eat smaller fish and as you eat fish you get bigger and bigger meaning you can eat more fish. My take on this game is that it would be fish, but the fish would have legs and are on land walking around on land instead of in water (that's kinda opposite right?!) The levels would be platformer type levels so that the fish can be on different levels/layers of the world, and the main objective would be the same, eating smaller fish until you are the biggest fish in the world.

The target audience would be all ages, who enjoyed old school flash type games or enjoy casual, that can be played in quick bursts. I think this game could be succesful because its a relaxing type game that could be played anywhere anytime to kill 5-10 minutes.

Thanks for reading my Devlog and listening to my Game ideas.


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