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Devlog #26 | Feedback & Help

A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Welcome everyone,
we are working on "Saikyou" a fast paced 2D roguelike. You're a samurai fighting robots in a futuristic arena.

Content done! What now?

Since we are done with all the content, this month was all about making things work as intended and making sure that people understand what is going on. So basically more feedback from the game. This can be a lot of things and we just got started with it. For instance when someone tries to heal but doesn't have the ressource a text now tells them why they can't. In the future we can add a sound to this as well. Otherwise people have no clue why they can't heal. We did this for a lot of things already and we will see how well this works.

I'm the developer, I have to play the game!

I spend most of my last month on testing the game by playing it. Not just to see whether everything works. Which it totally did and I totally didn't spend a shit ton of time fixing bugs! But also to see if the design is as good as I can make it. For instance people always had too much gold in later levels. You get gold by killing enemies and later levels have more enemies so that was bound to happen. To balance this out I gave people starting gold. Sadly that wasn't enough. So now the shop raises it's prices every level. By playing the game I can see whether the prices are raised to much or not enough. I did a lot of this kind of stuff by playing the game. I also had others play the game to figure out how far they get and how long it takes them.

Super cool things I haven't talked about before

We are working hard on this thing and we got tons of things planned out for later that I believe I haven't talked about yet. So here we go!

The plan for the music is to have dynamic music. When the fight gets heated, the music will let you know by becoming more heated as well.

In the last month we finally finished the writing process for the story! I think we did a great job and people will like the story. Now we can get to putting the story into the game by drawing scenes, making fancy camera movements and even fancier visual effect.

The art of the game has been fill in for long enough! We finally are moving on to art as we finished figuring out the workflow. We make the animations in adobe animate, and export them into Unity almost fully automated. And to see if it works we worked on the real art for the Duelist. He now smooth as can be!

That's all folks!

Well I did tons of different things this month that are kind of hidden things. Kind of hard to show. Welp to talk about the hidden we have the devlogs! See you guys in the next one and have a great day! 


  • Saikyou Windows 43 MB
    Aug 02, 2021
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