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State of Ignited 08/02/2021

Ignited TRPG
A downloadable game

It has been a while since the last update on Ignited, and since then I have been busy with school. But during this pseudo-hiatus, I have thought about changing a few things about Ignited, namely:

  • Stats and ability scores/mods
    • I feel like the six base stats and how they're determined at character creation is a little bit complicated, as I've noticed almost all of my players choose the standard array of scores and modifiers instead of point buying for them.
    • In light of this, I'm thinking of doing away with scores, and considering downsizing the number of stats from six to three: Body, Mind, and Heart. This way characters won't be too bogged down in numbers and stats. Are you a "brain cell" character? then you probably have a positive Mind modifier. Body? You're probably fast, strong, or sturdy physically. The Heart stat is more of  your will, your spirit, and such.
  • Moves
    • Coinciding with the Stats and Ability Scores change, I also feel like the basic moves should be replaced with "guides" for how performing actions (and by extension reactions) is done (Attacking is usually a Body roll, Investigating is a Mind roll, and so on), then leave moving and acting to the players' imaginations.
  • Range Tags
    • The most likely change to be implemented, The ranges for the Range Tags are probably going to be increased. Will need to think about this more.
    • I also feel that I should establish a uniform format for how ranges are stated, so as to not make reading spells more complicated.
  • Spells
    • Contemplating removing the improvement system of Spells, as a lot of effects that are improvements could be their own standalone Spells. This makes Costed Spells (barring Commands) easier for me to write, but also/or alternatively;
    • Through the current playtest campaign, I've found that I make unique (different from legendary) spells more often than not. which leads me to consider writing a template for spell and creature creation that GMs and Players alike can use.

What are your opinions?


  • Ignited-0.5.4.pdf 318 kB
    Jul 19, 2021
Download Ignited TRPG
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