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Happy Screenshot Saturday! This time for HYADES, here's a sneak peek at the mapping for the Plaza in West Hyades!

A browser game made in HTML5

Hello, and happy Screenshot Saturday! This time for HYADES, we're sharing a sliver of the world map with you!

Mapping's an important part of making an RPG, and it's exciting to think of the ways you can make a world for the player to explore! Something I want to utilize more in particular is the feeling of exploring and finding secrets! So it's fun to add in little alleyways and treasure to find, and secret areas too!

It's a smaller update this week, but this just means we're working hard on stuff that's under wraps! We're doing our best to keep working hard so that one day, we can show it off with full fanfare!

If you're curious about what we've got going on already though, there's a whole demo of gameplay to check out TODAY!


That's a wrap for this week! As always, be safe, have fun, and take care!

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