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Devlog Week2b - Self Study

“UTAS KIT207 Portfolio
A downloadable game

For the Self study this week, we were tasked to create a simple model of a human and make that model perform some simple tasks such as walking and waving. 

Here is a screenshot of my human model:

I tried to follow a guide ( on how to model a human and i found that super helpful, it started from a simple cube which i then mirrored one half of it and then grew the rest of the body from that half of the cube which then mirrored on the other side. I think some of the proportions are slightly off but all in all im fairly happy with how the model turned out for a first attemp.

I created the two animations by also watching different guides for animation that was provided to us. I took Gifs of these animations:

Walking: I did this buy moving the models legs and arms one way and then just repeating that transform but mirrored the other way at each keyframe (Each point of the animation). It's a very simple animation and if time allowed i could have made it look more realistic, but i think for now it shows the action quite well. Unfortunately there was an issue with some vertices in the knees that made some weird clipping which i could not figure out how to resolve.

Waving: I also created an action for waving, i struggled quite a bit with this action and it took up most of my time. Unfortunately i dont think my arms were constructed very well so that made for some pretty rigid movements in the action. I also had an issue where i couldnt lower the arm after the wave from the shoulder because when i added that action it would do it earlier than when i added it.

Doing these modelling self studies made me realise i definitely don't want to be a modeller or animator as i found this self study quite frustrating, i find it very finicky and im not the most creative person or have the patience required for these kind of tasks.

Thank you for reading my Devlog, 


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