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Devlog 03: Even More Errata & Expansion Status

Fist World Volga
A downloadable fighting board game

Hey there!

We've just pushed out a new update for the manual, version 1.7. Once again, it's mostly about errata and QoL changes, the main one being that little "Ranged Weapon" box in the manual's version of the Frame Configuration sheets. For now it only contains each weapon's ammo count and projectile type ("BLT" for bullets, "EN" for energy and "XPL" for explosives), but come the expansion we may find a way to make it more informative without altering the page layout too much. Other changes mostly concern typos and wonky phrasing in some of the lore entries, as well as a single name change for a place that'll be relevant to future Data Sparrow projects.
Nothing too exciting just yet, unfortunately.

Speaking of the expansion: due to repeated IRL circumstances, mostly on my (Matt's) end, we were forced to suspend work on it for about a month. Now that we're back into a stable pace, it'll likely be out around August if nothing else gets in the way. The new lore, mechanics and tables have been already written down, and we've just finished testing the first of the four new frames. We'll be trying to finish up the remaining three in the coming weeks, testing two of them a week whenever we can. Work on the secret addition has also been proceeding rather slowly due to life troubles on the maker's end, but they've been getting back on track as well.

We apologize for the delay, but sometimes shit happens. What matters is not letting it stop you. 

And that's that for now! See you next devlog!

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