is community of indie game creators and players


OnePage design

The one page design took me aproximately 5 hours to complete. This time I decided to draw it in hand on an actual sheet of A4 paper,  since the game is not complicated and drawing on the paper gives me more freedom of changes. 

I decided to make my own game rather than edit the 2D platformer that we did in project B, because I want to use this project for other university subjects. And also in general it feels better to program something you know is your own work and you can be proud of it. 

Most of the time of designing the game I spent actually thinking of what to do, since the main idea will be the core of the game. I know I am terrible with drawing and graphics, so I needed something simple to draw. I also wanted to recreate the memories of playing Bulánci in school club on lunch break, with several people squeezing around one keyboard having fun. And so the game with cute balls with country flags on them murdring each other was born. 

The game is fairly resemblant of Bulánci, except that Bulánci is a top down shooter while my game is a platformer. Players pick up guns, shoot each other. Every player has life counter, when he dies the counter goes down, when it reaches 0, the player is out and doesn't respawn anymore upon getting shot. 

In the OnePage design you can see a rough map (might change, I don't like doing designs of maps when I can't play test them, so resulting map might be different), guns, two of them you can pick up on the map, every of them has different shooting pattern. Also you can notice the key layouts to move players, since this will be, in its base version, a game for several players to play on one keyboard. For the C# programming subjects I actually plan to add functionality, that players will be able to connect through LAN and play on their own computers. 

(I might take a better picture tomorrow, it's dark here which makes the pic a bit blurry). 


  • OnePage design 465 kB
    Jul 09, 2021
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