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Geodware Game Jam day 5(break) & 6

Escape the castle
A browser game made in HTML5

Hello for day 6. Yeah I skipped day 5 because my sleep schedule was starting to mess up so I needed one day to reset. Apologies for not announcing this sooner. Now onto progress report.

So the final level was by far the biggest level. It took a lot of time given my tilemap size was relatively small. I tried to include as much mechanics and elements as possible, partially for the sake of challenging myself to make new things. In the end, it went well, of course. But there were many issues and reminders to take note of.

First is collision layer and mask. You won't notice this one instantly, but it can pop up easily in gametesting. primarily if you want something to hide behind something but then it suddenly pops up on the side of the object you want it to hide behind, or simply collide with something it's not supposed to collide with and stays there. It took me about 10 minutes of playing to figure out why so take note.

Another thing you want to pay attention to is your object positions. due to sometimes you can't see how your objects are moving unless you run the project means you may need to override the position manually to see where it would end up in editor. That's fine and all but do remember to change it back. I ended up more than once stuck mid level cause I forgot to reconfigure the positions.

The biggest thing in the final level was the illusion layer. By using a tilemap, I try to obscure certain areas of the map till the player triggers something. While not sure if this is the best way to approach it, I simply painted over the hidden areas with the wall tiles and reconfigure the camera limits. Of course, if you got a better suggestion, I'm all ears.

Well, that's it for now. Tomorrow would be the last devlog as I would be busy over the weekend so stay tuned!

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