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More developments! Music, levels, you name it!

A downloadable game for Windows

It's been a while! But not to worry, progress has been happening! 

Two major things here - first off, I'm working on getting a demo of the first third of the game together. I hope to have it put together by the end of the summer, before I have to start splitting my focus between gamedev and university. Progress won't necessarily slow down, but I will have to spend more time working on the game's concepts and level design away from my computer.

This planned demo will feature a much more accurate representation of what I envisioned than what I had when I first started this project - specifically, more unique and interactive assets instead of just puzzle-like obstacle courses. Ultimately I want all three major zones of the game to focus on something different (one to focus on athletic exploitation of each character's abilities, one to focus on more esoteric/interactive level elements, and one to be a mixture of both) but I still wanted to implement more unique assets. And so I have! :)

The second thing is that a LOT of music work is being done! The past few months have seen a lot of progress made with the game's soundtrack. Not only are new songs being written, but older ones are being drastically overhauled to be of higher quality. Since I study music composition as my major in university, starting school again will definitely help out with that!

That's it for this update! I don't want to spoil too much, with the demo coming and everything, but progress is definitely being made!

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