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0.0.15(16) has new controls, enhanced bat AI, and more!

Lamplighter [Prototype]
A browser game made in HTML5

Last week I said this week’s big change would be bats fearing fire. That’s in here, but there’s a bunch of other stuff, too. More important than pyrophobia is probably the first thing on this list.

General Changes

  • Modified the control scheme. On keyboard, use Z and X or O and P in place of Space, Shift, Enter, and Alt. On gamepad, the face buttons are swapped, so XBOX-A swings the light cane. The new buttons better reflect what hand they correspond to on the player’s sprite.
  • Lighting a lamp now provides a small bonus to the cane’s lit-meter. This should make comboing lamps together more feasible–and fun!
  • Said lit-meter now appears over the darkness. A UI element probably should.
  • The “hit boxes” on lamps and wells have been tightened up. Nothing crazy, but you at least have to be near a big torch to light it, now. (Looking at you, left torch in L3.)

Bat-related Changes

  • Bats fear fire and will now navigate around lit lamps. This was a pretty deep change, so if you see bats acting weird, please report it to me using the feedback link in the main menu of the game.
  • Somewhat related, bats will take damage if they’re above a lamp when you light it. More specifically, they will take lethal damage, so be careful! Boss does dock your pay for this!
  • Bats hear you when you’re close, even without your lamp lit. Their open eye will give away their position so you don’t take that last heart of damage on the way to the door anymore.
  • Bats’ corpses now splatter when wedged against the walls. Squish.
  • (0.0.16) Fixed a bug where bats can get stuck on the doors. Thought I fixed this right before upload–apparently not. Now they only fly through when it’s open.

So yeah, this one took a little longer, but has some big new stuff in it. I hope you’ll enjoy revisiting the curious corridor. I think the next patch will feature a new set of levels, updated to take advantage of the new two-button gameplay. Thanks for playing!


  • Windows (64-bit) 28 MB
    Version 0.0.15
  • 18 MB
    Version 0.0.15
Download Lamplighter [Prototype]
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