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Magi: The Anointed - Laundry List , Road Map, & Wish List

Greetings, players! 

It's been only a day since launch, but already we've gotten 9 downloads! That might not sound exciting to you, but I am positively jumping with glee. 

Now, there's a lot wrong with this first release of Magi, so I'm going to start occasionally releasing 'laundry lists' to both sum up and acknowledge the current areas that need improvement and give players and fans a way to know what to expect in the near future. Also, it helps keep me honest and stops me from losing track of this project in the whirlwind of my life.

The Roadmap list details what to expect over a longer, less definite period of time as opposed to the days and weeks timeline intended for the laundry list.

Laundry List:
        - Spelling corrections. There are a lot of embarrassing spelling errors in Magi as it stands now. This is a small quality of life change that is likely to be on every laundry list.

       - Missing sections. In particular, A Game Called Consequences is referred to but hasn't been written yet and the Chapter on Magic needs to, of course, get attention. Also missing is the optional rules section.

      -Develop/Rewrite the Snarl Confernium section. 

      -Edit/playtest Character Development Section and get feedback for further improvements. 

     -Proper PDF format. In word processor format getting the page numbers right is a nightmare, among other things. Also, a PDF is a bit more professional and easier to transfer between devices.


     -NPC Section. Creating NPC's that aren't critical to the game but are critical to player characters that the player can interact with while the GM's attention is elsewhere. 

     -PC (player character) Relationships. Optional rules for a relationship continuum which will enable players to emulate conflicts and tensions between characters while keeping things harmonious between players.

     -Magical Puzzles. Another part of the Optional (Advanced) Rules section. Certain spells, traps, locks, and artifacts may use a puzzle system/mechanic rather than rolling dice in order to simulate unlocking mysteries. Rules, advice, and mechanics for doing, creating, and interacting with these puzzles.     

     -Grimoire Section:   Optional rules for characters to build grimoires that they want to keep.

     -Lifestyle choices, body upkeep: A section for extremely detailed scenarios for people. What sort of food does your character eat? Where do they prefer to go? Do they have a stomach sickness? Rules for hunger, needing to use the bathroom, and consensual sexy time with NPC's. This section will not be for the faint of heart and is meant to add detail and fun for large, experienced groups where players are left on their own for a period of time (or just people who like a lot of detail).

Wish List:

I'm fairly certain I can figure out turning Magi into a PDF, but my skills with the arts are.... well, you've seen the cover image on the main page, right? And that was using someone else's photograph (which itself was quite good). I have very little aptitude for the artisty stuff, sadly. So volunteers who are willing to submit fan art, edit lettering and such to format the PDF, etc, are much needed and appreciated! All I can offer in return, at the moment, is a credit in the PDF. But that may change if this gains a following....

Anyway, to all those who've downloaded, thanks for giving the game a shot!

Download Magi: The Anointed (v. 0.1.0)
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