is community of indie game creators and players


Getting right back to work...

The Run and Save
A downloadable game for Windows

Hello fans,

I decided to take a little break in the other half of June because game developing can be a bit tiring y'know. In July, I will work harder to release an Alpha 2, and maybe even an Alpha 3! I still have to learn to make cutscenes with Unreal, so i can make the story, which will go into the full game, or betas, who knows? I also released a reward which gives you earlier access to the betas, and to the full version, so if you wanna help your brother out, or the game's development process, you can purchase it, even 1 dollar can help your brother out! And, I wanna do more for you fans, (if I have any) if I can, I don't know what yet, but something surely. There is a lot of work going into the game, and if you wanna help the development process, without money, just provide feedback! Feedback helps me a ton with development, so be sure to send some. (because I don't have any) I don't know where will we go with the month of July, but I hope we will go in the right direction of game development! Anyway, let me end off here, thank you for reading by the way, see you soon!

- Matthew, on behalf of BeSocial.


  • The Run And Save Alpha 561 MB
    Jun 15, 2021
Download The Run and Save
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