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Happy Screenshot Saturday! This time for HYADES, we've got a preview of the Docks!

A browser game made in HTML5

Hello, and happy Screenshot Saturday! This time, we've got a little sneak peek of an area connecting South and West Hyades: the Docks!

Since Hyadians depend on the waters for moving materials from different parts of the city and bringing up droves of fish for food, it makes sense that they'd have an interest in boats and large docks! You'll be able to find various types of ships, fishers, and more! While the area is still under development, we're looking forward to show it off once it's ready!

Of course, there's a little snippet of dock you can check out in the HYADES demo now!

See it for yourself today by playing the demo at:


As always, be safe, take care, and have fun!

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