is community of indie game creators and players



A browser game made in HTML5

WC&H (formerly VWC&H) 2E is here.

Actually, this was a long time coming. I wasn't satisfied with the original version of WC&H - I wrote it in one night, and it came out pretty directionally confused. I completely missed a few of my conventions, and in general the whole document just wasn't up to snuff for my own standards. For instance, I completely neglected to mention safety tools!

More than that, though, I felt like the game was philosophically confused. The vampire attribute was too close to the werewolf attribute, and removing it made the concepts of the game so much easier to grasp. Additionally, the "player characters don't die without player consent" rule is great for games like Dungeons and Dragons, but actively works against WC&H's quick and deadly combat. I left something similar in the second edition, but this time it should be clear that the intent of WC&H is to be lethal if it comes to blows. 

You may notice WC&H 2E isn't two separate PDFs, like the first edition. In fact, there's not a single PDF! While I don't intend to migrate all of my games to the web, I thought this would be a good exercise and perhaps a sign of things to come. PDFs are wonderful, don't get me wrong, but they do represent certain obstacles to readability - and readability has been one of our goals since day 1. The new web-based WC&H should be a big step up in terms of readability, not only because of the web's advantages with screen readers, but also because of a special button that toggles the OpenDyslexic font on the site (the very font we use in all of our plain-text versions)!

As an additional perk to this move, navigation between sections is much easier. 6 pages wasn't a lot to scroll between, but the new sidebar menu should be even simpler.

2E drops on the first of June. Hopefully, you're all as happy with these changes as I am.


  • 40 kB
    Jun 26, 2021
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