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Post-Game Jam Minor Update and Plans

Junkship Turbo GMTK
A browser game made in HTML5

The GMTK game jam is over, and I got a lot of excellent feedback! I'm excited to add more features and see where this project might go! First we'll start with a minor update to address some feedback that isn't too difficult to fix but greatly affects quality of life. Here's the changelist:

  • Increased difficulty curve
  • Added score and high score (local only for now)
  • Adjusted player SFX (lower volume, fewer instances, pitch variation)
  • Also fixed a few minor bugs

More changes to come! Here's the list of planned items:

  • More ship modules
  • More enemy types
  • Levels
  • Visual FX for better game feel
  • Leaderboard
  • Light upgrade system
  • Rogue-like mechanics

Let me know in the comments if you have any suggestions or have a favorite system or mechanic you'd like to play!

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