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New Release - 1.1.0

Kreepy and Krawly
A downloadable game for Windows

Hello to anyone who happens to be reading this! I just pushed a new version of Kreepy and Krawly. I'm thinking of it as a feature update because it adds a number of enhancements that both improve QOL as well as add polish. Non-comprehensive list of changes:

  • New splash screen!
  • You can now jump by pressing 'up' or 'W'.
  • Kreepy will now remain wherever last dropped, even if Krawly walks out of the room.
  • Removed spikes in second to last room which were obscured by UI.
  • Added to the ending dialogue.
  • Switches that have been pressed will remain pressed even if the player exits the room.
  • Some players mentioned that they would have liked the option to go back and explore after leaving a room. Levels have been slightly redesigned to make them backwards-traversable. 
  • Spike and Lava hitboxes have been reduced to make them a little more forgiving.
  • Removed the fake switch in the skull room.
Download Kreepy and Krawly
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